

Posted on 2023年1月14日 (Last modified on 2024年4月18日) 3 min read  • 507 words


英語での会議進行(あまり重くないカジュアルな感じの)でどのように発言すべきか分からなかったので、進める際の言葉をなんとなくまとめてみる。 事前に会議トピックは決まっている設定です。



  1. 挨拶
  2. 出席者確認
  3. 会議の目的
  4. タイムキーパーなどのアサイン
  5. 注意事項
  6. 質問について


(1) Good morning, everyone. Thank you for taking the time to be here today.

(3) Before we begin, let me briefly outline the objectives and agenda for this meeting. The purpose of today’s gathering is to [state the main goal or goals of the meeting]. We will be discussing [briefly mention the main topics or issues to be covered]. Our aim is to [describe the desired outcome or decision you hope to achieve].

(5) To ensure an efficient and productive meeting, I kindly ask everyone to stay focused on the agenda items and adhere to the allocated time for each topic. Your active participation and valuable input will be instrumental in reaching our objectives.

(2) Now, let me introduce the attendees and any key guests or speakers we have today. …

(6) We’ll also have a Q&A session after each agenda item, so feel free to raise any questions or share your thoughts. To maintain an organized discussion, please use the “raise hand” feature or simply indicate your desire to speak, and I’ll make sure to give you the floor at the appropriate time.

(5) Lastly, I want to remind everyone to mute your microphones when not speaking to avoid unnecessary background noise.

With that said, let’s dive into our first agenda item, which is [state the first topic].


会議中は質問を促したり、相手に同意したり反対したりする。 議長の場合は積極的に意見を引き出し、まとめたり要点を確認したりする。


  • So, if I understand correctly, we have [summarize the points briefly]. Is there anything else we should add to this?
  • Let’s recap the main ideas we’ve discussed so far. We have [mention the key points]. Did I miss anything, or is there anything you’d like to emphasize further?
  • To summarize the suggestions, it seems we can categorize them into [list the categories]. Is this classification acceptable to everyone, or do we need to make any adjustments?


  • I’d like to hear from others as well. Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts on this matter.
  • We value input from everyone. Who would like to contribute their perspective on this issue?




  • Thank you all for sharing your thoughts. From our discussion, it seems that there are a few key points that most of us agree on. Firstly, [summarize the main common points]. Does everyone concur with these aspects?
  • After considering everyone’s input, I’ve identified some common themes that emerged. They include [mention the common themes]. Are there any objections or additional points we should consider?
  • Let’s find the areas where we are in agreement. It appears that [summarize the points of consensus]. Are there any areas where we need further discussion to reach a common understanding?


  • While there are areas of agreement, we’ve also noticed some differing opinions. One point of divergence is [summarize the differing viewpoint]. Let’s explore this further to understand the different perspectives.
  • It’s evident that there are some varying viewpoints on [mention the specific issue]. I’d like to hear more from those who hold different opinions to better comprehend their stance.


声を小さくせずにはきはきとしゃべるのがとにかく重要。 それを守った上で、多少の単語や表現のミスは気にせずにどんどん発言していけばokのはず。 もちろんミスしないに越したことはない!!

